Multifamily Investments
When looking to acquire a Multifamily Investment, Commercial Brokers International provides an unparalleled analysis of:
The Current Market Conditions
Potential for Rent Increases
Current Loans Available
Any Potential Value Added Opportunities.
We will then aggressively negotiate the acquisition on your behalf, and walk you through the entire escrow process, from property inspections, to loan qualification, to closing.
Multifamily Sales
Sell your apartment building, complex, and other multifamily units with CBI. Commercial Brokers International will provide an in depth analysis of the property, taking into consideration:
Comparable Properties
Current vs. Market Rate Rents
Current Loan Rates
Parking Issues
Development Opportunities
Property Management Issues.
We’re able to maximize the price we obtain for you while exposing the property to the widest possible market, including investors and property owners.